Tuesday, November 30, 2010

“Great”ful Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving at the Dale House is a day that I had been hearing about since I arrived. “Oh just wait until Thanksgiving…Thanksgiving at the DHP is awesome…I love thanksgiving at the DHP…” You get the point. After now experiencing it, I understand what these people mean.

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Preparation for Thanksgiving started the day before with Kevin and Nik carving 15 turkeys! Holy cow…err…turkey.



Allan got to come visit (!!!) and my primaries were excited to finally meet mystery man. “Susie” said she was star struck, finally meeting the famous Allan. It was fun for them to be so excited to meet him and I was happy he was finally able to meet people that are so important to me here at the DHP.  He quickly fit right in, hanging out with our guitar playing resident and then showing off his cooking skills making sweet potato casserole! It had 8 cups of butter in it and tasted like a orange piece of heaven! :)




Thanksgiving day started with a big brunch followed by a football game!



Sharon Comiskey, Kevin’s wife, is an amazingly crucial part of the DHP. She is responsible for planning all of our meals and buying all of the food. I love the way she loves and cares for us. She is so laid back and acted like feeding 75-80 people for Thanksgiving was no big deal. wow.




After football, we had a mini family night (the service we have on Sunday nights). This part was really fun and meaningful to me. It was such a special sight to see that room stuffed full of people…not only current residents and staff, but past residents and staff who have come home to spend Thanksgiving . I felt so blessed to be there with Allan, with my awesome co-workers and friends, with the kids I live with, with my bosses who have done this for many, many years, with my boss’s kids who have never had a Thanksgiving not at the DHP, with old staff members, with old residents whose only family is the DHP. It was just a neat, touching sight as we all sang songs about Jesus together. One of my co-workers called it a holy moment, and I think that is a great way to describe it. It was also hard to think about the fact that these kids are at the DHP for Thanksgiving because they have no one. They have no family. They have no where else to go. I feel so blessed that I got to celebrate this day with the lonely, rejected, out casted. I also feel blessed to be a part of a place that gives these lonely, rejected, and out casted people, a home and a family.

img_3218 IMG_6665I got to help lead worship by playing the djembe drum…with Bella as my side kick. Bella is one of the most amazing little girls ever. Her parents lived at the DHP about 7 years ago. Her mom is currently in jail and her dad only sees her when it is convenient for him. When they don’t feel like having Bella around, they simply drop her off with Kevin and Sharon, who have become like her parents. I don’t know how they do what they do…loving this little girl that they cannot have all the time. When Bella’s parents want her, Kevin and Sharon have to watch her go with them, not knowing what Bella will experience or be exposed to and not knowing the next time they will see her. I love they way they love this little girl unconditionally and so willingly give up their lives to care for this child of God. I loved watching Bella smile and laugh as she banged out of rhythm on the drum. It sounded terrible, but was a beautiful noise unto the Lord and a precious sight.


After we sang, Kevin gave a short talk. After the talk, he asked if anyone wanted to share what they were thankful for. Many people shared thanks for the Dale House, for the family they had found at the DHP, for what they had learned at the DHP, for a second chance at life, for being alive. It was so cool to hear these kids, who seemingly have nothing to be thankful for, share things they are thankful for.

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DSC00339DSC00338After family night, it was grub time. and I mean grub time! Wow! SO much food…enough to fill a garage full of 80 hungry people :) Allan’s and my turkey cookies were a hit for dessert :) I’m thankful I didn’t have to do dishes that day…thanks to old staff!


DSC00340DSC00342On the wall, we had set up a place where kids could write things they were thankful for. I was touched by the words on the paper. Its moments like these that give me hope and help remind me of this opportunity I have been given to show Christ’s love to those who have never felt love.


I am thankful I was able to be here for Thanksgiving. Its often hard for me to be away from my family on holidays (this year was no different), but I am so glad I got to be a part of these kids Thanksgiving. I hope that they felt just a small ounce of the love that I feel from my family…the love that makes it hard to be away.

Did I mention how much I love the people I work with? We’re a lot of fun.

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