Saturday, November 20, 2010

Angels Among Us

Sometimes, God works through the most unusual people.

After a hard morning with my new primary, “Susie",” (her leaving work, her feeling like she couldn’t breathe when she could, her running away, her yelling at staff, her running away again only to be found by Stephanie walking down the street, her demanding an appt to the doctor right NOW!, etc. etc. etc. ) we had finally arrived at her doctor’s appointment (that had been scheduled two weeks before, but she didn’t want to wait 3 hours for it that morning).

As we are sitting in the waiting room, Susie gets really upset with me, for a reason of what I am still unsure.. F*** you’s and F*** this, and I hate the DHP, and blah,  blah, blah… Then she gets up and leaves the appointment. Great. Just great. She had complained about having to wait 3 hours until her scheduled appointment and now she was leaving. I was so confused/frustrated/angry/embarrassed.

I looked at the man (who appeared about 35 years old and like he could have maybe lived at the DHP at one point in his life) sitting across from us who had witnessed this whole interaction. As I stood up to follow Susie, I said sarcastically “I love my life.” The man looked at me, with such genuine, understanding eyes and said “God loves your life.”

As I rushed down the stairs after Susie, I couldn’t stop thinking about that man. How he was placed there in that waiting room, after a super hard day, to remind me of that.

After a phone call to Anne (my hero and the social worker at the DHP), and some talking, Susie decided to come back inside and go to her appointment. As we were walking in the building, the man was coming out by himself. He said “Keep doing what your doing.”

It brought me to tears. Why was that man in the waiting room? He left with no one, so he probably wasn’t waiting for anyone. We weren’t gone long enough for him to have gone to an appointment if he was there for an appointment by himself. It just didn’t add up. 

I guess I will never know why that man was there, but it doesn’t matter why he was there. It just matters that he was.


  1. Abby Darlene, you bless my heart! I love you and echo your angel, "Keep doing what you're doing."
    Sherri Smith

  2. That is awesome! Such a cool story!!!
