Saturday, April 30, 2011

Joyfully Joutfitted


I just cannot say it enough…I love the people I work with! They are so much fun!

Last Friday we decided to take a trip to Cripple Creek, an old mining town that is now known for its gambling and casinos! I have never gambled before and thought it would be a fun thing to do with my friends before leaving CO!

Of course though, everything is more fun with costumes!!

So before we left, we all headed to the local Arc (similar to Goodwill) and look for the best JOUTFITS we could find. In case you don’t know what a joutfit is…it is an outfit made completely of jean material.

Man, did we find some good stuff. I really cannot believe that these clothes were actually made, actually worn by people before!

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We’re a good looking family huh?


Just look at those jumpers, that jouncho (jean pouncho), my dress? Seriously? We look good.



Before heading up to Cripple Creek, we stopped by (of course) Chick-fil-a for dinner. People couldn’t stop starring. It was hilarious!


We finally made it to Cripple Creek’s casinos!! We fit right in there (not!). It was not at all what I expected! It was a lot of fun though! I can see how gambling gets addicting! I played a few slot machines and watched Nik play a table game. I ended up only losing about $12. I thought that was pretty good for a night of super fun!


As we were getting into my car, which I happened to park in front of a local bar, we heard what sounded like karaoke. Well, we were right! and we had no choice except to go inside and participate! There would be no better way to end the evening!

There were approximately 30 people in the bar, mostly locals, a baby, a few guys dressed in pastel polos, and Jesse’s twin.  We were the only ones in joutfits, duh. and everyone stared.


We chose to sing “Sweet Home Colorado.”

I’ll let you enjoy the performance for yourself.

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