Sunday, October 2, 2011

My friends are the best.

I have some incredible friends. It’s true. I feel so blessed to have the friends in my life that I do.

The wedding weekend made that even more evident to me as these girls that I love so much came from all over to hang out with me and support me as I married my best friend. It was such an awesome, special treat for me to have all of my favorite people in one place. I felt like I was on cloud 9! I know it was a glimpse of heaven!

Kallie and Steph arrived on Wednesday and I was soooooo thankful for their help! I literally (not just figuratively) could not have done it without them. They tied bows, wrote names, wrapped presents, just anything I asked them too! and with such willing hearts and excited spirits. I was so happy to get to spend that time with them! …and show Kallie some of the South at its finest : )


The event really kicked into gear on Friday night! Everyone was there!YAY! It was soooo great! My sisters-in-law and my awesome friends Christine and Annie planned a stellar bachelorette party. I felt so cared for and celebrated that night. Thank you so much to everyone for being there! Sadly, I don’t think we got a group pic!


Saturday was equally as great with an incredible bridesmaid's brunch hosted by two of my best friend’s moms, Katie and Sheri! The food was delicious and the time was sweet! Thank you guys so much!



My beautiful bridesmaids!



Saturday night was the rehearsal dinner! It is so cool how the Lord worked things out! There was a wedding at WinMock on Saturday, meaning we should have had to have the rehearsal in a different location, but the wedding was in the morning, which provided the entire afternoon for us to set up and have the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner there! So perfect!IMG_0605

That night was so incredible for me! I loved everything about it. Even more people arrived that night! Lindsey and Rudy from NYC, David from OK, Geordan and Deborah from CO, Travis from CO, Allan’s high school buddies from SC, Guion and Abby from VA, Lisa from New Orleans. (I know I am forgetting some people! I’m sorry!). It was just so humbling that people would sacrifice time and money to be there to celebrate with us. I was so honored and thrilled!

and did I mention it was Tar Heel themed?


We started the night with a time of worship, led by Guion and Allan (Tuesday Night Worship style!) and I loved hearing all my friends singing to Jesus and honoring him. That’s what we wanted the wedding to be—an honor to Christ and focused on him and what he has done, and it was just a great way to start things off.

I was also so thrilled because my primary from the DHP and his girlfriend got to come! I had not seen them until the rehearsal dinner and I almost peed my pants when I did! I was so excited! AND he had ABBY shaved into his head. Talk about an amazing wedding present!


The evening was great. The time of sharing after dinner was so special, and thanks to Steph, I have every speech recorded : ) My brothers and sisters-in-law also planned a super funny newlyweds game for Allan and I to play. It was hilarious! You can watch it here!

It really was such an awesome night. I wish I could really express how thankful I am for all my friends and family who helped to make it so special! Thank you so much!

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