Saturday, October 1, 2011

Most Eventful Summer of my Life (part 2)

(this is a continuation of the last post which you can read here if you like, but a quick summary…Allan and I drove across beautiful lands, saw lots of cool things, then got engaged! Now you’re all caught up!)


…and plan we did. In fact, that is all we did. We’ll not really.

We also took a trip to Honduras for a week (!!!) It was the 20th anniversary of Mayatan so we went back to celebrate with our students and friends. It was a blast! I love that place so much! Our students were so much bigger! I couldn’t believe how much older they looked in just one year! Other than that, nothing about Honduras had changed! and I love that! 



We also spent a week at the beach with my family and got to hang out with these cuties the whole time. Their cuteness is almost too much for anyone to handle. 


Oh, and I started a job at College of Charleston.Thanks to Jesus. It is quite a miracle how it happened. Short story version (Kinda) …I didn’t qualify for in-state tuition because CofC does things weird. I would only be able to qualify for Spring semester. I missed all the deadlines for scholarships and graduate assistantships (where they pay for your school if you work 20 hours), so I was basically SOL in terms of reducing my out-of-state tuition to go to CofC, meaning the different of $18,000 as opposed to potentially free the next year because of in-state, an assistantship, or scholarships.

I was calling the School of Education to see if there was someone I could talk to about deferring my acceptance. I explained the situation and the person on the other line got quiet and said…”well, I think there is actually one assistantship left, but its competitive.” “WHO DO I NEED TO TALK TO?!” I was so excited!

So I immediately called the woman and explained the situation to her voicemail. Then, when I hadn’t heard back from her a few hours later, decided to go by her office. She was so nice but told me that she didn’t know what would happen.

So I waited. About 2 weeks later, I received a call from them asking if I would be interested in starting a job for them during the summer, and that it would guarantee the assistantship in the Fall. Um…YES! And even better, they would pay me for working in the summer! Holler.

Pretty crazy huh? Yea, I thought so too. Thank you Jesus.


Whew.  What a whirlwind!

But a really fun whirlwind!

So in the midst of those things….

… we took Save the Date pictures (maybe with such short notice this wasn’t necessary, but hey, that’s okay)…


and we registered….



and planned, planned, planned!

and had amazing showers thanks to some awesome friends and family who really showered us with love and gifts to help us start a home. It was such a blessing and we are so grateful for everything! …





and then August was here, meaning it was almost time!



More on that in the following posts : )

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