Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Last Month: 10 month update!



I think I have been avoiding the reality that I am leaving this place that has become so dear to me.

I have 2 weeks left. That means I actually have only 7 days on duty.

Thursday, as I sat in George’s office before we discussed what I was going to talk about at family night, I just began crying.

No real reason. He just asked me what I thought about my time here and if I thought it had been a good year.

Tears of joy and sadness were all that I could answer.

Let me tell you a few reasons why.

1. This place is a glimpse of heaven: I am truly convinced of this. It radiates Jesus. It radiates Jesus message of love for all creation. It radiates acceptance, honesty, vulnerability, healing, growth, goodness. It is such a gift to be a part of this. I’ve never experienced something so close to heaven. It is my prayer to carry this “heaven” with me. It’s not just a place, which is awesome, because I can take it wit me.

2. The community: I have talked about this so many times, but I don’t think I have even been more content with myself and the people I am surrounded by. This is the first time in my life I have not felt pulled by spreading myself too thin. I have made great, loving, honest, caring friends. Who knew you could hang out with the same 5 people all year and be so joyful? I will miss the laughs, the games, the $2 Tuesdays, being faced, the outfits, the trips to chic-fil-a, being on duty, the inside jokes, the serious conversations, the conversations about Jesus and how to love well.


3. The Leadership: Man. I wish I could learn from George and Kevin for the rest of my life. Their knowledge, insight, wisdom, harsh love, gentle love, and faith is something for which I strive. They are amazing examples of Jesus. I love that they don’t claim to know all the answers, yet provoke such thought in me of all things: from how to deal with a kid to my faith.

4.The kids: This might seem like an obvious reason to miss this place, but work here for a little while, and one might change their mind. I have wrestled with this one too…will I really miss the kids and all the absurdities that come along with them? Oh yea.  Life will seem so simple without the daily craziness. I will miss their smiles, I will miss the conversations we have after arguments, I will miss seeing them sing at family nights, I will miss seeing kids emancipate and be so proud of themselves, I will miss celebrating kid’s birthdays for maybe the first time in their life, I will miss seeing them play games and get to be kids, I will miss bedtime in girls and telling them that I love them, I will miss family dinners with 17 people around the dinner table, I will miss those small glimpses of hope that I see in each of them.


5. The beautiful view: I just love seeing those mountains! They are incredible.

It is going to be super hard to leave this place, my friends, the kids, etc. I am so thankful for the time I had here to learn about Jesus, myself, loving others well, challenging others, being open with people, and so so much more.

Thank you guys so much for your support of me over the past year! Please don’t stop once I leave here! Please continue to pray that I can carry this “heaven” with me and remember all I have learned here. Please pray that I can love others well in SC, that I can find a group of friends similar to here, and that I can continue to be pushed towards Christ and not get comfortable in my pursuit of Him.



One thing that makes this easier is that I get to see this man in 2 days! no more video chatting! Praise the Lord!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother’s Daughter

Working at the DHP has taught me a lot, one of the most important being how important family is and the huge impact and influence it has on a person.

I can honestly say that is the truth. Almost daily I catch myself doing something just like my mama.

I use coupons now (when she sends them to me, of course)

I can’t sleep unless all the girls are home and asleep in girl’s residence.

I read people’s blogs that I barely know.

I take naps on the couch after work.

I talk on the phone in the bathroom (maybe she just does this with me? Sorry for sharing the secret…)

My car is messy.

I like to tell people what the food is that they are looking at before we eat it.




Not only did I learn these things mentioned above from my mom…she also taught me about Jesus, and others, and how those two go together.

She’s the reason I love hurting kids. She’s the reason I want pregnant teen mom’s to have diapers, and formula, and support. She’s the reason I am saddened when children are not taken care of. She’s the reason I like the “inner-city.” She’s the reason I want people to know the hope of Jesus.

because that is how she raised me. She put me first so that I would know to put others first. She took us to her work so we could see the hurting people she was helping. She entertained and cooked for all of my friends and made them feel welcome so I could learn hospitality. She gave me a safe place to live so I could feel secure. She washed all my clothes so I could feel clean and cared for. She fixed all my lunches in school so I could be nourished. She waited up for me to come home so I could know I was important to her and it mattered where I was. She took me shopping so I could feel pretty. She came to events as my school so I could feel supported. She prayed with me so I could learn to pray. She took my to church so I could learn about Jesus. She modeled Christ to me in the home so I could learn how to model Christ to others.

I am thankful for my mom today and the woman she is and the way she constantly pours herself out for her kids.

It amazes me when the residents never hear from their mom. I have met around 6-7 of the 40+ residents that have lived at the DHP since I started working her. 6 or 7 out of 40? And of those 6-7, I have only seen them 1 or 2 times at the house. They just don’t care, and it breaks my heart. No wonder these kids live at the DHP. I cannot imagine what it is like to be one of the residents. I know if I have a bad day or need to cry, talk, complain, vent, anything…I can call my mom and she is guaranteed to answer, with a smile, ready to talk regardless of what she has going on. I have seen kids call and call and call their moms with no answer.

I wish they all could have my mom.

I could write so much more about my mom and the way she loves the kids at the DHP because I love them, the way she continues to support me and help me financially, the way she loves her grandkids so much, the way she gets excited every year for our beach trip because we will all be together, the way she cooks and cook and cooks for Christmas so we can relax and feel cared for, the way she still tells me every time we talk that she is praying for me, the way she….

Thanks for loving me so well Mama! I love you!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hoppy Easter!


Easter is a special time here at the DHP as well as for believers everywhere.

It’s the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior.


IMG_8080IMG_8085It was a really cool experience to get to celebrate Easter with the residents. It was hard to be away from my family and Allan, but I am so thankful that I got to spend it with my DHP family. They are just such special people and have such a  special place in my heart.

Isn’t Bella just adorable?


Before Easter dinner, we had an Easter service where we sang some songs and then Kevin, Bella, and Grace (Kevin’s daughter) shared the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection with us. It was just precious to see little Bella hold up the different props as Grace told about Jesus dying and raising again for our sins! They told the story just the way I was taught as a little girl..with the props inside the eggs inside the egg carton. I loved it!


After the service, we had a good ole fashion Easter egg hunt!!


It was so hilarious to see these 17, 18, 19 year old “hard core” kids running around the yard looking for brightly colored eggs!


I’m grateful for the sacrifice the Jesus made for us. I am grateful for the chance I have to share that with these kids. I am thankful that Easter is more than just bunnies, eggs, and candy. I am thankful that I was justified by his blood.

The Monday after Easter, my friend Lauren shared a devotion out of Romans 5, talking about the freedom we have because of Jesus. I think you should go read it right now. It’s a great reminder.

I hope everyone had a great Easter and really was able to think back on what Easter really means! May we live in that daily!
