Sunday, January 9, 2011

Love like that

This weekend has been, well, tough. It is my first weekend back to work since returning to CO and leaving my comfort in NC. I forgot so quickly how much hurt and pain lives within these residents and how it manifests itself in the house.

I am on my break. I am not wanting to go back to work. I am not wanting to face the pain and the hurt.

This song just came on my itunes and it really reminded me that I need to get over myself and my emotions.

It says “God loves that guy…God loves that guy…teach me to love, teach me to love, teach me to love like that…”

Here is the youtube video for you. Enjoy… and love like that.


  1. Girl! I love you and am so glad you are here at teh DHP. You are excellent at your job. It's hard because you care so much for them and love them so much! You have compassion and want so much for the residents. Not only are you fantastic with the residents, you get me through my days! You are an excellent friend and help me when I have crappy days at the house. I couldn't make it through this year without you girl! I hate just throwing Bible verses around, but I really love this one and find a lot of strength in it when the pain at the house is overwhelming.
    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
    Love you! Keep pushing on!

  2. You are such an inspiration to me! because of Jesus Christ in you!!!! Your honesty, deep heart for the people God puts in your path, and your humor are all great blessings to me! You CAN do all things through Christ! Blessings, Rhonda
