Monday, October 4, 2010

Just keep pedaling...

IMG_2153 The gang before we took off!

The Dale House believes a lot in community. We live in community, we eat in community, we pray in community, we serve the Lord in community. It is absolutely fantastic. I believe the Lord created us to be in community…whether in a family community, or a friend community, it is just a beautiful thing. I don’t think I could do this job if it wasn’t for the amazing community I have around me.


One way to build our community is through “All-Staff” trips! We all hiked Pikes Peak together, and just recently we loaded all our bikes and traveled to 11,539 feet above sea level to begin a two day bike trip down the beautiful Hoosier Pass and back up the beautiful Vail Pass (80 miles total!). My legs got to a point where I honestly don’t know how they were still peddling. I think they forgot they were attached!


It was a great time to be with everyone. We started down (literally DOWN…windy roads, tanker trucks passing us, curves…you get the point) the pass “at a safe pace” according to George, who followed us in the van in case anyone had any trouble! It was a safe pace cause I held the brakes the entire time while the boys rode at a fearless 40 MPH.

IMG_2175DSC00037We rode about 35 miles the first day down the pass, around a beautiful lake, and back to a cozy little condo where we stayed for the two nights. The ride was so beautiful. The mountains were all around us. The aspens were all changing to yellow and the weather was indescribable. The sky was Carolina blue (Go heels!). It was perfect. I mean, just check out those pictures.

DSC00012DSC00002Day two was a bit harder for me…cause it was almost all uphill! We woke up for Devos and breakfast at 8 and were on the road by 9:45 am. My butt was so incredible sore even though I was sporting not just one, but 2 pairs of biker shorts! We rode about 45 miles that day. Wow. To the right is a picture of people reaching the top of Vail pass where we stopped for a lunch break! To the left is a picture of Annie, Stephanie, myself, and Logan showing our bikes who’s boss. Below is all the girls (the names above plus Kallie!) at the top of Vail Pass! We made it! YAY!

DSC00014My favorite part of the whole trip, besides the beauty of being outdoors, was the time we had together at the condo. We each got the opportunity to share our lives stories with each other. It was such a special time of vulnerability and acceptance. We each put ourselves out there…told about struggles, things we’re proud of, our families, our hearts…but I could feel the bond grow between us all as we did this. There is something special about honestly and vulnerability. I love the way the Lord uses it to break down barriers and build a strong community. I was amazed at almost every single life story I heard. Trouble does not escape anyone. It was such a special time with my co-workers and friends. I am so thankful that the Dale House values our lives and hearts as people. What a blessing it is to work for this amazing place that desires that I experience Christ in a full and real way.

and here are some photos just for fun :) and so you can put a face with the names I keep using!


Kevin…the training staff boss. He’s awesome. He rode the tandem bike with Nik. It was hilarious. This man can talk the entire hike up Pikes Peak and never have to stop for breathe. He can also bike at speeds of 45 MPH and it would feel like he was sleeping. Its amazing.


George, the director. He is the wisest man I know. I learn something from him every time he talks! He has taught me more of what “fear of the Lord” means. I have so much respect for this man. He can out-bike me any day. Its incredible.


Anne, the woman. Her last name is Hollar. You couldn’t have a cooler last name. She does the social work aspect of the DHP. She is also so wise and awesome at what she does. I want to be like her when I grow up. Incredible woman, incredible biker. I couldn’t keep up with her at all.


This picture was just funny to me. Annie passed out on her bike during a break. We were some tired bikers!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Abby. I know I am your momma, BUT I am still so proud!! and thankful for you,and for George, Kevin, Anne,all your teammates,and for the ministry of the Dale House.
