Monday, February 22, 2010

Unexpected explosion!

It was a regular Friday night. One of my friends here in Copan, Judy, was over teaching me how to make pizza dough (she’s an amazing cook!). We had made the dough, the sauce, shredded the cheese, and cut up the vegetables for toppings. All we needed to do was turn on the oven to get it hot so we could cook the pizza after the dough rose.

That’s when it happened.

Praise the Lord for long-stemmed matches or else I might have lost a hand instead of a few arm hairs. I bent down to light our gas stove and BOOM. A huge explosion of fire, gas, loud noises, and screams. Pots fell off the wall. The oven moved about 3 inches from the wall. The stove toppers flew off. Crazyness. Allan was stirring a pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove, and somehow the pot stayed on the stove and Allan was unharmed!  

It was super scary and we all kind of shook of nervousness the next 10  minutes, but thank the Lord it was not worse. Seriously. Needless to say, we didn’t eat pizza that night. 

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  1. OH Abby!! what does the stove look like?? WE are so thankful you are all OK.

  2. Wow, the burnt arm hair is crazy looking. It's like you have sawdust all over your arm.
