Monday, March 28, 2011



I feel like a proud parent.

My first-born primary emancipated!!

Ok, I know I am not really his mom, but I still all warm and fuzzy with seeing my primary pass parole!

He worked so hard here at the Dale House Project and really was one of the greatest residents I have met. (Maybe I am partial?) He did everything he needed to do plus more!! He was relational. He was honest. He asked for help. He listened. He was vulnerable. He apologized. He laughed with us. He was just so fun to have around the DHP.

and that’s what I heard all night long as people celebrated G at his emancipation dinner.


When a kid paroles at the DHP, we celebrate. They pick out what  meal they want to eat, we give them presents, we decorate, and then we each take time to share with them memories, encouragement, and what we will miss about them being around.


Jesse, my co-worker, rockin’ a Tee with G’s picture on it! G loved these shirts!

G had TONS of people at his emancipation dinner, which I think is just a reflection of who he is and the way he has handled himself here.

I held myself together pretty well, but I have to admit that I shed a few tears. I am just so proud of him and how he has really taken charge of his life and realized he is worth more than being addicted to drugs his whole life. I told him that he is the poster child of why I wanted to work at the DHP.

I wanted to see people overcome addictions: he did.

I wanted to see people realize their potential: he did (and still is).

I wanted to see people prove statistics wrong: he did.

I wanted to see people work hard and change their life: he did (and still is).

I wanted to be a part of God’s work in people: he is God’s work.


It was such a cool thing to get to sit with G in front of the parole board and hear him re-count his life, where his mind-set was when he was getting into trouble, and then hear him talk about where he is now and where he wants to go. He did such a great job. He was nervous, but he was just himself, and totally impressed the parole board with how far he has come!

You should have seen the smile on G’s face when they handed him this paper!



It was crazy! Just like that, he was on parole and done with the DHP! He has 6 months of parole and then he will be completely off papers! He has his own apartment now too! Man! I am so excited for him!

I am excited for him to be different than his mother and sisters. I am excited for him to feel good about himself in a healthy way. I am excited that he is providing for himself. I am excited that he is excited about where he is in life.


Pleasssssse pray for G! It has got to be so so so hard to all of a sudden be on your own, paying all your bills, working full time, without a car, without a family to fall back on, fighting a past of addictions. It won’t be easy for him to always make the right decision because right decisions are sometimes harder to do. Please pray that he can know the hope of the Lord. Please pray for our friendship to continue. Please pray he can remember that he is loved and created to have a full life!


  1. Wow Abby, I am completely impressed and motivated by this! Keep up the good work for sure!
