Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Answering the Call

It is hard to believe that about a year ago, we were getting on a plane to begin an adventure in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. It turned out being an awesome time of learning, growth, and deepening of our relationship with Christ. I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to be there!

In January 2010, Allan and I began to discuss plans for the next year…where we would be, what we thought the Lord wanted us to be doing, etc. Allan had been working on applications and interviews for medical school and was waiting to hear back from a few school before making a decision while I was wrestling with the idea of going to the Dale House Project in Colorado Springs, CO. My brother worked there about 8 years ago, and I had had the chance to visit and absolutely loved how the life of Christ was lived out so vibrantly every day. I felt like the Lord was calling me to the DHP, but that would mean being far away from Allan, my family, and my new niece and nephew!

So, I applied to work at the DHP but was at first told that no more positions were available. I was so confused because I really did feel that the Lord had given me a great desire to work there. I began looking for other options, but nothing really seemed right. A few weeks later, the DHP offered me a position starting July 15! It was perfect! The Dale House “ reaches out to delinquent, neglected, and abused teenagers who cannot return home.  Within the context of community living, our goal is to teach these youth the skills necessary to live independently.” If you want to read more about the Dale House, visit http://www.thedalehouse.org/.


After that, Allan decided to go to MUSC, located in Charleston, SC, even though my sister-in-law offered to fix him dinner every week if he chose WFU in Winston-Salem! He begins orientation on August 19. I am excited to see him start school. The Lord has blessed him with so much talent for learning, and I am excited to see how the Lord will use this in his life. I know he is ready to get back to school too!


After a week at the beach with my family, Allan and I made the 3 day trek out to CO. We were so humbled and inspired by the incredible hospitality offered to us along the way. Many thanks to the Baileys and Johnsons for so willingly opening their home and making us feel so special and loved. Once we were out of the car (YAY!) and in the Springs, we were able to do some fun things like visit the Garden of the Gods and the Air Force Academy (the picture is for you, David!)            DSCF0040                    DSC09842



As we begin this new year, we are excited to see what the Lord is going to teach us. No doubt it will be hard to be many miles and several time zones apart, but we realize the importance of obeying Christ. We are changing the title of the blog to “answering the call” because of the way we have felt the call of the Holy Spirit on our life, and now, we are beginning to respond to it. (And we are going to have to answer each others phone calls :) ). His words have been clear and un-ignorable. It is our desire to follow the call of the Lord and share with others that call. 

Thanks for sharing your lives with us!

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