The first part of the summer was jammed pack with really awesome and fun things.
One of the best things to happen, however, was the birth of my newest nephew, Hutchins Brave Hill!
I am so thankful for him and so thankful that I got to be in the hospital waiting room when he was born, which meant I got to meet him when he was really fresh to this world! He is the only one of my neice/nephews that I have gotten to be there for!! Life is just such a miracle.
Earlier that day, before Hutch was born, and while Natalie was at home having contractions, we were all at the lake having a blast and watching Honey attempt to water ski! She is only 2 and did an amazing job! She didn't get up on the skis, but she didn't get scared and tried!! I was so impressed!
After the lake, we packed up some things and headed to Greensboro to welcome Hutch to the world! Honey wore her Big Sis outfit and was just so sweet and excited about being a big sister. If you want to watch a super cute video of her meeting Hutch, you can find it here! Its super adorbs!